$250 Deposit is for reserving your puppy and will not be refunded. If you have a situational life change that makes it so you can no longer get a dog, your deposit will not be refunded. If you decide to purchase a puppy from another breeder, your deposit will not be refunded because we have fulfilled our commitment by giving you the pick of your puppy. A lot of time, effort, and financial website investment goes into the maintenance of the list and puppy process . This dog is not being sold under co-ownership terms.  Payment in full must be made prior to you taking ownership of the dog, payment is in cash, Venmo, or certified draft.


It is the responsibility of the buyer to cover costs associated with getting your puppy to you. There are four main options, 1- a cargo flight(if still available), 2- You fly in and we drop the puppy off to you at the airport, 3- A flight nanny flies the puppy to you (we can provide but has an additional fee), 4- you pick up locally. Cargo flights are possible, but it is becoming harder to make these arrangements because they can put an embargo on cargo flights at anytime. We appreciate your understanding and want to make you aware of the potential cost of getting your puppy to you.


The day the litter is 8 weeks old, the buyer will be given 7 calendar days to make pick-up arrangements, pick up the puppy, and complete final payment before or at the time the puppy is picked up , or dropped off to any flight nanny or shipping institution. Failure to meet either of these two time frames will result in a forfeit of your puppy. Your $500 deposit fee will not be refunded in either case.


The seller certifies that, upon receipt, the dog is in good health and has been immunized and wormed according to the accompanying heath record. If purchased with a known condition said conditions are excluded from any guarantee and is not valid to reject the puppy due to these conditions.

The buyer agrees to have the dog examined by your veterinarian at your expense within 4 days from date of purchase. If the veterinarian does not give the dog a clean bill of health, buyer must notify the seller immediately. Seller reserves the right to have the dog re-examined by our veterinarian at our cost. Any condition that is minor, correctable, or a breed related minor condition is not covered  and no condition which could go away, or is considered to be a condition which a puppy will likely grow out of is covered.

If the dog is then found not to be in good health, Seller will resume possession if this is agreeable to both parties. Seller does not accept responsibility for contagious disease diagnosed after 3 days from date of purchase. Hip and elbow dyspepsia and pathological spinal disorder is covered for 1 year from date of purchase with the same conditions as above in effect. Your dog has been tested and examined for many conditions to assure his health. Heat stroke, exhaustion, dehydration and other heat related conditions are not covered in any way. Remember that a dog can over heat quickly and easily and may die as a result of over heating. He/She must be a indoor dog.


The Buyer agrees to take good care of this dog, feed and house the dog properly {indoors}, maintain shots, control the dog on a harness or leash when in public and when off the premises of the dog’s home. The dog’s outdoor area will be fenced in and secure, or acceptable provisions will be made to assure the dog is safe any time he/she is outdoors. Buyer agrees to give the dog proper physical and emotional care and welfare. The buyer must agree to housing the dog indoors as its primary housing. If the dog is found to be allowed to run freely, running at large, creating a public nuisance, or found to be neglected, abused or allowed to live in poor health or poor conditions the Seller has all rights to repossession of this dog with no refund to the buyer.  The death, injury or loss of said dog due to theft, carelessness, recklessness, abuse, neglect, heat stroke or accident will not entitle the buyer to any compensation from the seller.

This dog is warranted only for the purpose of being a companion animal, not for any other purpose or reasons. No warranty is given to the buyer for any special purpose or function of this dog. This dog is not to be used for any illegal or immoral activities and is not to be used for any type of puppy mill, dog farm or other mass producing or money making operation.


This dog is to be spayed or neutered (unless otherwise noted).  Registration will be kept by us until such time that you provide proof that this has be done (must be within 1 year). In the event the buyer is unable to keep this dog for any reason, the Buyer agrees to offer to the Seller the first chance to take this dog back. In the event of a re-sale the Buyer must notify the Seller with the new name and address of the new buyer and it must be approved by us first. Buyer agrees not to sell this dog to any retail company or establishment. Any changes to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties. This contract is legal and may be enforced by legal means at the buyers expense and all disputes must be settled in the state of Idaho. This dog is sold to you as a pet only and nothing further.


This agreement is considered executed once deposit is paid to Puppy Love Inland Northwest and this contract is submitted and or signed. This will enter you into a legally binding agreement with Puppy Love Inland Northwest, A copy of this contract will be given to you to sign and return once puppy is selected.